Fixer Blog

Curtis Mohan's weblog.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Spoiler Level: Minor, if any.

The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull feeds us the action we expect in an Indiana Jones movie once more, with plenty of fights and especially car chases. It was lacking in any kind of aerial scenes or philosophical backdrop. This is strictly a pot-boiler.

An old friend or two do make an unexpected re-appearance, resulting in a surprising lack of Indy having his problems and riddles solved by other people instead of himself.

The action scenes were largely satisfying, though some of it is completely over the top, even for an Indy movie, just making some sections less enjoyable due to being simply too fantastic.

The movie is sprinkled with a few laughs and a few gross-out scenes, but it's really mainly about the action. And seeing him go over Niagara Falls in a raft even though he's supposedly in South America.

Overall, I thought it became rather predictable toward the end, as it pretty much followed the formula from Raiders and The Last Crusade.

The Verdict: Wait for the DVD rental.


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